News On The Skids


Coffee Shop-iotics

-Its like, about finding true meaning, not nihilism. Existentialism is like the total opposite of that, Jeeze!

-I'm reading Updike, you know Updike? He wrote this series of books called Rabbit Run [sic-k], its like I read a sentence and I'm like, that's you dude, that's you. You could take that sentence and put it in any book ever, and I'd know, that's you dude.

-Do you stretch? Oh.

-We bonded, you know. No one else in our lives for six months, and it was so amazing.

-I try incorporate all of these new things, like.

-Have you read that one where the guy wakes up as a bug?
-I read like 30 pages of it. I'm reading The Stranger, though. [ed- that totally counts]

-Is that game with the four boxes called Four Square?

-I don't eat animal products.

-I need to get a ten speed, my legs are killing me.

-It's like a western. Guy Peirce is in it. This song is in it. I haven't seen it.

-It tries to be like a social commentary, but its just so over the head [top]. Its like trying to be like District 9.

-Cask conditioned beer is like, sharper. Right?